• Welcome
  • Members,


Dear Sir / Madam , 

            Greetings from World Hypertension Congress 2025 !!

Special offer for PG students , Assistant Professors , Associate Professors and HOD's of  Dept. of Medicine , Cardiology , Nephrology & Neurology . 
Registration fee Rs.7500 /- only  . Kindly utilize this opportunity to attend World Hypertension Congress 2025 . If you would like to attend Scientific Writing Workshop and enrich your knowledge , you are requested to pay Rs. 2500/- as an additional amount . This program is between 7.30 & 8.30 am on all 3 days starting from Friday 7th March and ending on Sunday 9th March 2025 . 
Breakfast will be served at the end of this workshop . Certificates will be issued for the registered delegates for this workshop on the last day .  

Registration Details :    Special  Registration Fee  for Delegates   :  Rs.7500/- 
                                          Add [ Scientific Writing Workshop ]         :  Rs.2500/-
                                           Total amount  : Rs.10,000 /-  

If you don't want to attend the Scientific Writing Workshop , you are requested to pay Rs.7500/- only . After paying this amount through QR Code please fill the form properly , scan the registration form along with the UPI id with the screen shot of the payment done . If we don't receive the registration form with all your transaction details , it will be very difficult to register your name for the congress .The last date for this special offer is 31st December 2024 . All communication including registration to be sent to whc2025chennai@gmail.com . 
Please visit our website : www.whc2025.com 

Thanks and Regards

Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD.,  FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,
Chair , Indian Organizing Committee World Hypertension Congress 2025.
Vice President  , World Hypertension League ,

Dear Colleague,
It gives me great pleasure in inviting you to become a member of the Losalter group , an initiative of Sapiens Health foundation.
The purpose of this Losalter group is to disseminate information on salt consumption and health .
I am sure you are aware that hypertension and its related complications is the number one cause of death in the world.
WHO has warned and emphasised the need to act by reducing the salt consumption and thereby reduce deaths from non communicable diseases.
I request you to enrol as a member of Losalter group by logging into the Losalter.org website.
Apart from information available in the website , we have planned to conduct a workshop with physical presence and through online. These workshops would be conducted by leading physicians leading to certification . The workshops will be conducted in Chennai, Mumbai & New Delhi to reach out the message on losalt to doctors across the country.
Please write to us for any queries/ clarification in this regard.
Looking forward to your participation

Warm regards
Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD., FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,

Diabetic Foot and Diabetic Complications 2024

Happy New Year 2024

Dear Friends ,
Greetings from API Chennai Chapter !!
Wishing you all a Happy & Prosperous New Year 2024 .

Thanks and Regards,
Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD., FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,

39th Annual Conference 2023

Dear Friends ,
I am happy to share a good news that World Hypertension Congress 2025 will be held at Chennai between 21st & 23rd February 2025 under the banner of World Hypertension League. I served the WHL Board as its member for 3 years and now I was elected unopposed as WHL Vice President. WHL Board members and its President Dr.Paul Whelton , were very particular that I should be the chair for conducting WHC 2025 which is happening for the first time in India at Chennai. I am very much excited to offer the early bird registration for this congress which will be held at Hotel ITC Grand Chola.The registration fee was fixed as Rs.15,000/-. However , I have decided to offer Rs.3000/- discount. My humble request is to avail this opportunity to become a delegate and the registration fee would be Rs.12,000/- only up to 31st August 2023. The following are the bank details. You can pay through NEFT but don't forget to inform me the UPI number , Your name ,Mobile Number , E.mail-id. You will receive the brochure soon. This offer is only for API Chennai Chapter members. Waiting to hear from you all.
To know more about World Hypertension League please visit

World Hypertension Congress 2025

Bank Details : IndusInd Bank
Account Name : World Hypertension Congress 2025 - Unit of Indian Society of Hypertension
Account Number : 100207234113
IFSC Code : INDB0000568

Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from World Hypertension League.
I am herewith sending Registration details for Virtual Meeting of ESH 2023 to be held at Milan ,Italy.
I request you to register in large numbers under low middle income countries which comes to 85.4 Pounds
including VAT for 4 days session . I am sure , you will like the entire program on Hypertension related issues
An added attraction is that you would be witnessing 2023 Guidelines for Hypertension from ESH.

Thanks and Regards,

Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD., FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,

Dear Prof. Narasingan,

it was a great pleasure to e-meet you during the WHL call. I do hope we will find the best way to work together for the success of the 2025 meeting in India.

I am now writing you to ask your help for the forthcoming ESH 2023 meeting, that will take place in Milan on June 23-26, 2023. As you know this year the new ESH Guidelines will be released: this is an exceptional appointment for the update of scientific experts in the field of hypertension and related diseases.

Last year we had at the end approx. 500 Indian participants (all virtual) and do hope we may repeat this successful and fruitful experience. May I therefore kindly ask your help in spreading out this information (see newsletter under below attached), helping us to collect a large number of local registrations? Kindly note that a special fee for individuals coming from low- and middle-income countries has been introduced. Please check the congress website: https://esh2023.eu/registration/. Based on the current registration fee, individual participants will be charged 70€ each to enjoy 4 days of full immersion and virtual interaction with the most prominent KOL's.

Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me, I will be more than happy to help you!

Kindest regards


Dear WHL Board, Regional Directors and Special Advisors,

Please see attached the March issue of the WHL newsletter, where we showcase two Hot Off the Presses articles:  
   Community Healthcare Team-based Treatment of Hypertension
   Special JHH Issue dedicated to the accuracy of automated BP measuring devices

Additionally in this issue, we announce the kick-off of the new WHL website, share the latest Sodium Reduction news, and highlight a Journal of Human Hypertension piece on the role of temperature and weather patterns on hypertension and cardiovascular mortality.

We have initiated a new section "Hypertension on the Ground" to showcase practical efforts toward hypertension detection, prevention, management and control, and there is lots of exciting news from our members and partners.

We hope you enjoy this issue and forward it to your friends and colleagues. 

Mary L. Trifault
Associate Editor, WHL Newsletter
website: www.whleague.org 
Toward the Prevention and Control of Hypertension Globally

Dear WHL Members and Colleagues,
Thank you all for making last year's WHD a great success! This year's theme "Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer" focuses on combating low awareness rates worldwide, and promoting accurate blood pressure measurement methods and devices. Increasing hypertension awareness and early control has become even more crucial as cardiovascular disease continues to be a huge health care burden globally. 
You can help this year's WHD campaign by sharing hypertension information and resources on social media, promoting individual BP screenings and providing educational literature, and engaging with local and regional media. 
Attached for your use is our Save the Date logo, and a link to last year's WHD outreach activities here. 
Thank you for helping us celebrate WHD2023!
Mary L. Trifault
Senior WHL Administrator
website: www.whleague.org 
Toward the Prevention and Control of Hypertension Globally

We have bought a flat near Savera hotel and this was inaugurated recently during Annual Conference .The address of the above property is Flat No 3D ,Marble Arch Apartment Number 3&4 ,Bishop Wallers Avenue, East Mylapore, Chennai 600004 . Now the premises is called API HOUSE. Phone number - 044 35009986. We have appointed Mr .Madhan as A.O .I request you to login in to our website

If there is any corrections in your address, phone number, email I'd please send the message by WhatsApp

Dear Friends , 
Greetings from API ,Chennai Chapter.  
After coming out of many challenges pertaining to Covid Pandemic , we have decided to conduct 38th Annual Conference of API Chennai chapter on 3rd & 4th December 2022 [ Saturday & Sunday ] at Hotel savera , Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai , Chennai .

 Herewith find the initial brochure  & Registration Form .We request you to register as early as possible to have a good face to face meeting . The scientific program is getting finalised .We will be in touch with you in the next few days . Anticipating your  co-operation and active participation . The conference is also preceded  by All India Intensive Post Graduate Training Program which will be conducted at Govt. Stanley Medical College  Auditorium on Friday 2nd December 2022  which will benefit the Post Graduate students across TamilNadu . 

Thanks and Regards,
Dr.S.N.Narasingan,MD.,      FRCP[Edin,Glsg].,FACP,FICP.,FCCP[USA].,

Dear Friends , 
Greetings from Lipid Association of India  

LAI Questionnaire to study the trends in the management of dyslipidemia in India 
My sincere thanks go out to you for your participation in Part 1 of the LAI online survey. Data is being compiled for its publication. In just two months, we received 933 responses. We were surprised by the results of part 1. Part 2 of the online survey is now available. There are 25 questions in this survey, and I would like to request you spare 15 minutes for it. It is through this questionnaire that LAI aims to collect some information on how Indian doctors treat dyslipidemia in ACS, ASCVD, HT, and Diabetes, which is often cited as unavailable in India. I would appreciate it if you shared it with your colleagues. Here is a link for your reference. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1o1VHfsW6f8NiUAyySMC1cWg-t0nuJ_7rlMrYKIZgKi4/edit

Please use code  : SNN-1

Dear Friends,
Greetings from API Chennai Chapter
I am happy to inform you that API Chennai Chapter is joining hands with Cardio Metabolic Congress -Organising Committee - convened by Prof.S.Chandrasekar . Since he has involved most of the office bearers of API Chennai Chapter for this 2 day conference , I am requesting each one of you to get involved and attend the conference for both days .

However , I need to inform you that registration for the conference is mandatory . The details of the scientific program and registration are attached herewith . Hope to see you physically during this conference .

Thanks and Regards,
Download Registration Form : Registration Form

My Dear Friends,

May I request you to fill the google form attached with the link for a survey on "Lipid Management - Real World Scenario ." It will consume only 5-10 minutes of your valuable time . Since , I am very much involved in the activities of Lipid Association of India [LAI ] I require your input . This input will take us for further steps in managing Dyslipidemia in our Country. Please "feel free to contact me if there is any clarification. You are one among the well informed academician.

I am sure, you will help me in this survey. It is for Indians health and for India to prevent Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. You are requested to use LAI SURVEY SNN - as the code to be used for google form.

Dear Friends ,

I have great pleasure in welcoming you all for 37th Annual Hybrid Conference of Association of Physicians of India ,Chennai Chapter

which is scheduled for 2 days Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th December 2021 at Hotel Savera , Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai ,Chennai . Though

I have made arrangements for virtual platform. I request you to attend physically .We are going to observe Covid appropriate behavior

during this conference . Please find attached final scientific program. Please visit our website : API CHENNAI for all programs.

For virtual platform You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

When: Dec 11,12th 2021 08:30 AM India

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.